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Lowongan Kerja Toyota Astra Finance Service

Rekrutmen.NET - Ada beberapa institusi yang sering menawarkan program dalam bidang kreatif untuk jangka waktu pendek. bila memungkinkan tentu anda bisa ambil short course untuk bidang yang diminati dan bisa sekalian mengambil program lulusan S1 karena dengan begitu, anda bisa memindahkan kredit diplomamu agar masa belajar tidak terlalu lama. lalu anda juga bisa mencari peluang magang di perusahaan media untuk menambah pengalaman dan kredensial. ada beberapa hal yang menjadi alasan kenapa anda belum mendapat panggilan. bisa jadi salah satunya adalah ketidakcocokan latar belakang pendidikanmu. Selain itu, HR di setiap perusahaan tentu berbeda pandangan memilah CV kandidat. alangkah baiknya kaji ulang dan mempelajari referensi CV lainnya sambil terus sabar menunggu. Berikut ini kami mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja dari Toyota Astra Finance, Toyota Astra Finance merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa pembiayaan mobil Toyota di Indonesia. Toyota Astra Finance sudah melayani para pelanggan pembeli kendaraan Toyota dengan menyediakan kebutuhan pembiayaan melalui dua produk utama, diantaranya pembiayaan bisnis ritel dan pembiayaan armada. Tahun 2013 kemarin telah diluncurkan produk baru melengkapi penawaran produk Toyota Astra Finance, yaitu pembiayaan syariah. Perusahaan ini telah lebih dari 10 tahun, menawarkan pengalaman yang baik kepada setiap pelanggan demi mewujudkan kepemilikan mobil impian. TAF memiliki 32 kantor cabang, TAF sudah hadir lebih dekat untuk memberikan berbagai fasilitas dalam pembiayaan kendaraan, mulai dari perhitungan angsuran mobil, kemudahan dalam pengajuan kredit mobil, pembiayaan kompetitif, hingga pembayaran angsuran yang fleksibel sesuai kebutuhan. Dengan 32 kantor cabang maka TAF selalu mengedepankan profesionalisme demi menghadirkan kenyamanan, kemudahan, dan kecepatan dalam setiap produk dan layanannya. Hingga saat ini TAF senantiasa menjadi sahabat dengan memiliki komitmen untuk menciptakan hidup yang lebih baik bagi setiap pelanggan, pemangku kepentingan, dan masyarakat Indonesia. saat ini Toyota Astra Finance sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru, berikut ini informasi selengkpanya :

Job Requirements:
- Ready to be assigned throughout Indonesia
- Expected young candidate not more than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or professional with less than 2 years of experience
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork and achievement
Job Descriptions:
The 9-month Management Trainee program will prepare you to become our operational leader. You have to show excellent qualities in learning, planning, leading, and execution to be qualified to join the program.

Job Requierements:
- Minimum S1 Economic, Industrial Engineering
- Good analytical thinking, good communication and good interpersonal skill
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork and achievement
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for conducting audit process to support the implementation of corporate governance and improving the effectiveness of the company’s work process.

Job Requirements:
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or profssional with less than 2 years of experience
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork, and achievement
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for developing and maintaining IT Quality Assurance for all IT related system including system development, operation, architecture and governance.

Job Requirements:
- Minimum S1 All Major
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or profssional with less than 2 years of experience
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork, and achievement
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for providing recommendations on developing and monitoring processes related to AR Management functions in operation nationally in line of business company to support the achievement of corporate performance.

Job Requirements:
- Minimum S1 Law
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or profssional with less than 2 years of experience
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork, and achievement
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
Job Descriptions:
Responsible to ensure all regulations applied on existing process, internal and external, responsible to ensure effective and documented SOP exist for every process.

Job Requirements:
- Minimum S1 Law
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or profssional with less than 2 years of experience
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork, and achievement
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
Job Description:
Responsible for managing and monitoring case resolution in a litigation manner to safeguard the company’s assests and image.

Job Requirements:
- Minimum S1 Law
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or profssional with less than 2 years of experience
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork, and achievement
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for managing the execution of meetings with management and shareholders, establish good relation with external parties and manage communication and information about company that affect corporate image and ensure that company policies and regulations are delivered effectively to external parties.

Job Requirements:
- Minimum S1 All Major
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or profssional with less than 2 years of experience
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork, and achievement
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for planning, developing and socializing the credit package, the program, and the policies to dealer and to ensure the implementation well, build good relation between company and dealer to support the achievement of sales target.

Job Requirements:
- Major's qualification: All Major
- Expected young candidate not more than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply or professional with less than 2 years of experience
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork and achievement
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for analyzing, planning and executing procurement and logistics from all function based on requests and needs.

Job Requirements:
- Major’s Qualification: All Major
- Good analytical thinking, good communication and good interpersonal skill
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork and achievement
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for providing recommendations on developing and monitoring processes related to AR Management functions in operation nationally in line of business company to support the achievement of corporate performance

Job Requirements:
- Major’s Qualification: All Major
- Good analytical thinking, good communication and good interpersonal skill
- Graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning, analytical thinking, teamwork and achievement
Job Descriptions:
Responsible for running the acquisition process to achieve sales target and customer satisfaction.

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