Loker Buah Hati & Cita Hati Schools Surabaya 2019
Rekrutme.NET - Pra-sekolah dan TK Buah Hati, Sekolah Dasar Cita Hati, Sekolah Menengah Cita Hati, dan Sekolah Menengah Atas Cita Hati terus berupaya mencapai keunggulan akademik, standar internasional, dan nilai-nilai Kristen. Kami memiliki kampus di wilayah barat dan timur Surabaya, Jawa Timur dan juga Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. Kami menawarkan kurikulum Cambridge untuk kelas 7-10 dan Program Diploma Baccalaurette Internasional dari kelas 11-12.
Proses pendidikan di sekolah kami diarahkan menuju generasi persiapan karakter, iman kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus dan kebijaksanaan yang memampukan. Kami bangga dalam mendidik kaum muda, untuk memiliki kehidupan yang saleh, penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kompetensi dalam pemecahan masalah, pemikiran kritis dan kreativitas.
Posisi :
Requirements :
If you meet the criteria above, please send your application and CV (include your email address & WA number in the CV), diploma + transcripts, current photograph of self, copy of ID card (KTP) and other supporting documents (awards, recognition, etc) to:
HRD Coordinator
Jl. Manyar Kertoarjo III No.68
Surabaya, East Java, 60285
(only qualified candidates will be processed)
For further information about our organization, please visit: www.bchati.sch.id
Proses pendidikan di sekolah kami diarahkan menuju generasi persiapan karakter, iman kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus dan kebijaksanaan yang memampukan. Kami bangga dalam mendidik kaum muda, untuk memiliki kehidupan yang saleh, penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kompetensi dalam pemecahan masalah, pemikiran kritis dan kreativitas.
Requirements :
- 25-40 years old;
- A minimum of a Bachelor's degree or higher from a reputable university with related major of subject;
- Previous teaching experience will be beneficial;
- English proficiency is a must, both written and spoken;
- Advance leadership skills, able to work in teams,, good communication skills and must be highly motivated;
- Able to get along well with others regardless of their ethnicity, religion & social status;
- Honest, open minded, resourceful, energetic & supporting the school's vision;
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Location: Surabaya
- 25-40 years old;
- A minimum of a Bachelor's degree or higher from a reputable university with related major of subject, preferably majoring in Psychology;
- Previous teaching experience will be beneficial;
- English proficiency is a must, both written and spoken;
- Advance leadership skills, able to work in teams,, good communication skills and must be highly motivated;
- Able to get along well with others regardless of their ethnicity, religion & social status;
- Honest, open minded, resourceful, energetic & supporting the school's vision;
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Location: Surabaya (West)
- 25-40 years old;
- A minimum of a Bachelor's degree or higher from a reputable university with related major of subject;
- Previous teaching experience will be beneficial;
- English proficiency is a must, both written and spoken;
- Advance leadership skills, able to work in teams,, good communication skills and must be highly motivated;
- Able to get along well with others regardless of their ethnicity, religion & social status;
- Honest, open minded, resourceful, energetic & supporting the school's vision;
- Familiar with IB Development Program
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Expatriate are encourage to apply
- Location : Surabaya (West & East).
If you meet the criteria above, please send your application and CV (include your email address & WA number in the CV), diploma + transcripts, current photograph of self, copy of ID card (KTP) and other supporting documents (awards, recognition, etc) to:
HRD Coordinator
Jl. Manyar Kertoarjo III No.68
Surabaya, East Java, 60285
(only qualified candidates will be processed)
For further information about our organization, please visit: www.bchati.sch.id
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