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Lowongan Kerja Lion Parcel Mei Tahun 2020

Rekrutmen.NET - Lion Parcel adalah badan usaha penyedia layanan jasa pengiriman paket. Pengertian Lion Parcel termasuk juga seluruh perwakilan Lion Parcel yang telah ditunjuk di masing-masing lokasi sesuai dengan perjanjian perwakilan Lion Parcel.

Saat ini Lion Parcel membuka lowongan kerja sbb :

Pick Up Monitoring


  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. D3 IPK minimal 3,00
  • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik
  • Menguasai Ms. Office terutama Excel (Pivot, Vlookup, Hlookup, PowerPoint)
  • Mengerti pengolahan data dalam excel
  • Penempatan: Kedoya, Jakarta Barat

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Melakukan monitoring ke pada kurir yang melakukan pick-up, untuk memastikan barang tersebut benar-benar terpick-up dan berhasil diserahkan ke POS untuk dibooking
  • Melakukan follow-up untuk case pick-up yang bermasalah dan melakukan follow-up untuk order id yang statusnya masing menggantung/belum terbooking
  • Membuat laporan dari hasil monitoring

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan mengirimkan CV ke  join@lionparcel.com
Subjek: Pickup Monitoring_Nama Lengkap

1. Associate Product Manager


  • Collaborate with Product Manager to lead the research and analysis of competitive landscape, customers, product metrics, and latest internet trends to identify and fill product gaps.
  • Generate new ideas that grow market share
  • Improve customer experience and drive growth and conversion
  • Translate product strategy into detaited requirements and prototypes.
  • Scope and prioritise activities based on business and customer impact
  • Working closely with engineering, operations, UI Designer, UX Researcher and external stakeholders to implement new features and enhancements.
  • Familiar with Product Development Tools such as JIRA, Confluence, etc
  • Experience on a startup company is a pius.

2. UX Researcher


  • Design and execute research studies with a high degree of competence, using a range of methods both qualitative and quantitative (e.g, lab studies, interviews, surveys).
  • Ensure effective communication of research findings through a range of channels (e.g., presentations, storyboards, posters, user journeys, docs, etc.).
  • Identify new opportunities for high-impact research and execute on them.
  • Educate the broader team, leadership and our product partners about the value of UX research and UX more broadly.
  • Collaborate cross-functionalty with Engineers, Product Managers,
  • Researchers and Designers to overcome challenges, and prioritise user experience research questions.
  • Help the UX team understand what would make a user’s experiences feel more intuitive, accessible, fun, and helpful.
  • Have an excetient communication skills and top-notch presentation skills
  • Passionate to understand users and their motivations.
  • Wide range knowledge of using qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • Experienced with research tools, such as: Miro, Typeform, is a plus.

Jika anda berminat, silahkan mengirimkan CV & Portofolio ke emailferian.amri@lionparcel.com
Subeject: [APM]_Nama Kandidat. Rekrutmen ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun.