Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2020 Kalbe Nutritionals - Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja CPNS BUMN SMA D3 S1 Juli 2024
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Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2020 Kalbe Nutritionals

Kalbe Nutritionals merupakan bagian dari PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. Pada awalnya Kalbe Nutritionals berdiri tahun 1982 dengan nama PT Sanghiang Perkasa yang dikenal masyarakat sebagai Kalbe Health Foods Division di bidang kesehatan. Produk yang dihasilkan merupakan produk makanan dan minuman kesehatan berupa susu untuk bayi, anak-anak, remaja, ibu hamil dan menyusui, beberapa kebutuhan khusus kaum manula, serta biskuit dan sereal bayi. Pada 2007 melakukan perubahan nama Kalbe Farma Health Foods Division menjadi Kalbe Nutritionals.
Saat ini Kalbe Nutritionals kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru sbb

1. Internal Audit Staff
Job Role:
This position will doing function as Internal Auditor for all Kalbe Nutritionals' branches in all area in Indonesia. Also make sure compliance for branch financial.


  • Diploma/Bachelor Degree from Accounting or Finance min. GPA 3,00 
  • Experience as Internal Auditor from Company or Consultant min. 1 years
  • Technical Skill needed: Auditing skill, Ms. Excel
  • Good integrity, high self drive, detail oriented, can work independently and good in team work 
  • Willing to business travel all around Indonesia with tight schedule
  • Placement: All around Indonesia
  • Paling lambat 31 Agustus 2020

2. Quality Assurance Engineer

  • Responsible for quality web and  mobile apps 
  • Make test scenarios and guarantees all features web pass from the test 
  • Do a documentary for UAT
  • Run automated test


  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent
  • Have experience minimum 3 years in same position prefer in  e-commerce company 
  • Technical Skill(s): Selenium, Coding
  • Have good knowledge to make scenario test, Blackbox Test and Whitebox Test 
  • Have  initiative, self motivated,concern to detail, fast learner, good in team work, willing to adapt with high changing
  • Placement: Subsidiary Kalbe Company (PT. Karsa Lintas Buwana) in BSD
  • Paling lambat 31 Agustus 2020

3. Warehouse Staff

  • Manage inventory control process, coordinate and monitoring supply chain operations
  • Create daily report, update daily actual quantity report, and any report related to warehouse department
  • Arrange and manage warehouse area to ensure all goods and stock is save and on the right place
  • Manage all administration related to warehouse activity


  • Age min. 23 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree Majoring Industrial Engineering with minimum GPA 3,00
  • At least 1 years of working experience in same field or fresh graduate
  • Technical Skills: familiar with Microsoft Office, inventory
  • Attention to detail, responsible, able to work under pressure
  • Willing to work in Cikampek
  • Paling lambat 31 Juli 2020

4. IT Web/Mobile Developer
Job desc:
This position will responsible to create application based on design created by the System Analyst follow the development standard, doing the application testing before the system analyst doing the User Acceptance Test (UAT), and repair or change the application accordance with the NCR (New/Change Request) document.


  • Age maximum 29 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Science & Technology or equivalent with min. GPA 3,00
  • Have related experience min. 2 years as Web based Application Developer (ASP.Net)
  • Skill needed: Ms. Visual Studio 2005, VB.NET, SQL Server 2008, ASP.Net programming
  • Attention to detail, good information seeking, excellent in team work
  • Good integrity, humble, good adaptable, and high drive for result
  • Paling lambat 31 Agustus 2020

5. Procurement Staff
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab:

  • Bertanggung jawab terhadap pembuatan PR - PO hingga kedatangan barang
  • Membuat laporan penilaian SCR dan evaluasi supplier
  • Menghitung harga apabila diperlukan


  • Laki-laki / Perempuan
  • Usia maksimum 35 years old
  • Lulusan S1 dari berbagai jurusan dengan minimum IPK 3.00
  • Min. 1 tahun pengalaman di bidang yang sama (Procurement / Purchasing)
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris
  • Menguasai Visual Basic 
  • Mengenal / Berpengalaman mengoperasikan ERP (Oracle / SAP)
  • Memiliki ketelitian, kejujuran, keterbukaan, komunikatif, keinginan untuk belajar
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Bersedia untuk penempatan di Cikampek
  • Paling lambat 31 Juli 2020

6. Jr. Account Executive

  • Prepare client reports on regular basis and submit such to the appropriate authority and also handle their invoicing
  • Meet clients’ needs latest by deadlines allotted to such needs
  • Assist & help client in implementing their brand advertising in Klikdokter.com
  • Maintain contact with the customers at every stage of advertising or marketing campaign


  • Age maximum 27 years old
  • Bachelor degree from all major  with minimum GPA 3,00
  • Have experience minimum  1 years preffered in Account Executive in Media / Advertising / Digital Agency
  • Have good communication skill, good in managing work and have high integrity, result oriented, good adaptability, good information seeking, and excellent in team work
  • Placement : Subsidiary Company (PT. Medika Komunika Teknologi - KlikDokter.com) Kemang – South Jakarta
  • Paling lambat 31 Agustus 2020

7. Backend Developer

  • Do programming on back-end code
  • Writing functional and unit test for all of your code
  • Working with product managers to manage requirements
  • Working with DevOps to deploy your teams code
  • Continuously learning inside and outside the office


  • Preferably candidate possessBachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent
  • Minimum 2years of working experience in digital company
  • Fluent in one of the following languages :Go Language, PHP, Python
  • Experience using a good MVC framework: Rails, Django, Laravel/Phalcon (CodeIgniter doesn't count)
  • Understanding of SQL and experience using one of :PostgresSQL, MySQL
  • Experience using : GitHub, REST API, Beanstalk/Redis/Apache Kafka, Unit Testing
  • Experience in Magento & Django is a plus
  • Solid understanding of data structures. Have experience in Agile environmentHave  initiative, self motivated, concern to detail, fast learner, good in team work, willing to adapt with high changing
  • Placement: Subsidiary Kalbe Company (PT Karsa Lintas Buwana) in Tangerang - BSD
  • Paling lambat 31 Juli 2020

8. Front End Developer

  • Do programming on front-end (Javascript: Reactjs/Vuejs)
  • Writing tests for CSS visuals and JavaScripts functionality
  • Build and maintain our style guide
  • Continuously learning inside and outside the office


  • Preferably candidate possess Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent
  • Minimum 2years of working experience in digital company
  • Experience using a JavaScript: Reactjs/Vuejs
  • Mastery of modern HTML5&CSS
  • Able to write Object Oriented JavaScript
  • Solid understanding of the Document Object Model Have  initiative, self motivated, concern to detail, fast learner, good in team work, willing to adapt with high changing
  • Solid understanding of the Document Object Model
  • Have experience in Agile environment,  initiative, self motivated, concern to detail, fast learner, good in team work, willing to adapt with high changing
  • Placement: Subsidiary Klabe Company (PT Karsa Lintas Buwana) in Tangerang - BSD
  • Paling lambat 30 Juli 2020

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