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Lowongan Kerja Teller and Customer Service PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Oktober 2020


PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk juga aktif mendukung program Pemerintah seperti peningkatan inklusi keuangan, penyaluran kredit bersubsidi Kredit Usaha Rakyat, dan atau Bantuan Sosial Non Tunai.

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk terus berkomitmen memberikan kemudahan layanan perbankan utamanya melalui inovasi perbankan digital dalam rangka memajukan sektor UMKM. Selain itu, BRI juga meresmikan BRI Institute sebagai salah satu wujud nyata Bank BRI dalam Membangun Kapasitas Nasional atau National Capacity Building di segmen UMKM. Langkah tersebut dilakukan dalam rangka melakukan terobosan inovasi atas produk dan layanan keuangannya untuk mengukuhkan diri sebagai lembaga keuangan terdepan dalam digital banking di Indonesia.

Saat ini PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk membuka lowongan kerja sbb 

Teller and Customer Service

  • Education:
  • High School (SLTA) / Vocational School (SMK) graduate with minimum average score 7.0
  • Diploma 1 graduate up to Bachelor degree (S1) with minimum GPA 2.75 and accredited
  • Age:
  • High School (SLTA) / Vocational School (SMK) graduate, minimum 18 years old and maximum 20 years old (not yet 21 years old when participate in the selection).
  • Diploma 1 graduate up to Bachelor degree (S1), maximum 24 years old (not yet 25 years old when following the selection)
  • Height:
  • Male, minimum 165 cm
  • Female, minimum 155 cm
  • Fresh graduates are preferred
  • Not married and willing to not married during the internship program
  • Have good communication skill and attractive appearance
  • Preferably domiciled in the Work Unit area
  • Have Identity Card (KTP), Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and Police Certificate (SKCK)

Selection Stage
  • Administrative Screening
  • Interview Test (Initial and Final)
  • Psychological Test
  • Medical Check-Up

Internship Program Duration

The "BRILian Internship Program" is divided into 3 stages as follows:

  • Teller / Customer Service / Customer Service Unit Basic
  • Teller / Customer Service / Customer Service Unit Intermediate
  • Teller / Customer Service / Customer Service Unit Advance
  • Each stage duration is 12 months (1 year)
  • Application letter should be received on October 31, 2020 at the latest.

Should you are interested with the position and meet the qualifications required please submit your complete application to:


PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
Kantor Cabang Bangko
Jl. Bangko Rendah No. 03 Bangko
Kabupaten Merangin
Jambi 37314
Phone 0746 21008, 322377

Scam alert! BRI Bank never collect any fee or collaborate with any party (including travel agent, recruitment firm, etc.) in recruiting it's employee.

Hanya kandidat dengan kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi.
Segala proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya apapun