Lowongan Kerja First Resources Group September 2021 - Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja CPNS BUMN SMA D3 S1 Juli 2024
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Lowongan Kerja First Resources Group September 2021

Didirikan pada tahun 1992 dan terdaftar di Bursa Singapura sejak 2007, First Resources adalah salah satu produsen minyak sawit terkemuka di kawasan ini, yang mengelola lebih dari 200.000 hektar perkebunan kelapa sawit di seluruh provinsi Riau, Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat di Indonesia.Kegiatan bisnis inti kami meliputi budidaya kelapa sawit, memanen tandan buah segar (TBS) dan mengolahnya menjadi minyak sawit mentah (CPO) dan inti sawit (PK). 


 Management Associate Program (MAP)

First Resources is one of the leading palm oil producers in the region, managing over 200,000 hectares of oil palm plantations across the Riau, East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan provinces of Indonesia. Our core business activities include cultivating oil palms, harvesting the fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and milling them into crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (PK). In addition to plantations and palm oil mills, the Group has its refinery, fractionation, biodiesel and kernel crushing plants.

Our products are sold to both local and international markets.

FR Management Associate Program will :

  • Maximize your full potential to be leaders
  • Give you more perspectives to run business to be the leading palm oil producer in the region
  • Place you in high strategic level management after completion

Let’s Joint To be Our Future Leaders.

Are you the One?

  • Master Degree from National University / Bachelor Degree from Overseas University
  • Under 30 years old
  • Fluent in English (spoken and writing)
  • Preference with work experience
  • Willing to be placed in our region

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