Lowongan Kerja PT Sefas Pelindotama (Sefas Group) September 2021 - Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja CPNS BUMN SMA D3 S1 Juli 2024
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Lowongan Kerja PT Sefas Pelindotama (Sefas Group) September 2021

 PT Sefas Pelindotama (Sefas Group) berdiri tahun 1997 di Jakarta ditunjuk PT Shell Indonesia sebagai distributor resmi Pelumas Shell. Awalnya, Sefas terjun ke pasar pelumas melalui afiliasi dan jaringan PT Intraco Penta Tbk. Sefas menjadi pemasok Pelumas Shell yang andal dan tepercaya untuk industri pertambangan dan industri terkait lainnya. Pada saat bersamaan, PT Sefas Pelindotama tumbuh menjadi penyedia produk dan Layanan Pengelolaan Hidrokarbon terpadu. Sefas mengalami pertumbuhan pesat dan berekspansi ke kawasan strategis di Kalimantan. Sefas memiliki kantor dan gudang di Balikpapan, Samarinda, Banjarmasin, dan Sangatta serta gudang pendukung di Surabaya.


1. Technical Staff Banjarbaru

Job Responsibilities:

Specify appropriate products and specifications to be used for specific applications such as vehicles, machinery, and equipment.
Provide front line technical support to customer and sales force including problem solving, troubleshooting and application advice.
Provide basic failure diagnosis for lubrication related failure (e.g. bearing or gear) where lubricants quality or practices are in question.
Develop and deliver appropriate lubricants training to direct sales/marketing staff to develop their expertise, as well as tailored training packages for customer where required.
Provide HSE, occupational health, safety and product disposal advice to customer and sales force, in line with local legislation requirements.
Using technical skills to selling, consulting, and demonstrate to potential customers the usefulness of the product or service and how it may suit the customer better than competing products.
Develop long-term relationships with customer, through managing and interpreting their requirements.
Generate sales leads and identifying opportunities.

Job Qualifications:

Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering.
Minimum 1 year of experience in mechanical industrial, technical sales, or related field.
Strong written and communication skills with experience in customer presentation.
Able to communicate with all functions and levels within customer.
Troubleshooting skills and attention to detail.
Have driving license/SIM A.
Placement in Banjarbaru

2. Finance Supervisor

Job Responsibilities:

Make financial reports and other supporting reports.
Annual budgeting.
Making budget vs actual reports.
Create weekly cash flow.
Make an annual cash flow projection.
Control the running of the AR and AP cycle.
Prepare reports and banking needs.

Job Qualifications:

Maximum 32 years old.
Bachelor’s degree in accounting or financial management.
Minimum 4 years of experience as finance staff.
Understand the financial cycle.
Experience working with ERP system is preferred.
Placement at the Jakarta Head Office

3. HR & HSE – Internship

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

Mempersiapkan file/dokumen untuk keperluan approval dari pihak-pihak terkait
Mendistribusikan file/dokumen yang sudah disetujui kepada pihak-pihak terkait
Melakukan administrasi pelatihan (undangan, konfirmasi, evaluasi, laporan)
Membuat notulensi hasil meeting dan melakukan revisi dokumen/file sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Membantu proses pengambilan data dan mapping kompetensi untuk level non staff

Kualifikasi :

Usia maksimal 24 tahun
Pendidikan terakhir S1 Psikologi/S1 Manajemen/S1 Teknik Industri
Mahasiswa semester akhir dipersilahkan melamar
Memiliki pengetahuan dasar terkait people development & pembuatan kompetensi
Terbiasa menggunakan Ms. Excel, Ms. Visio, & Ms. Powerpoint
Aktif pada organisasi kemahasiswaan menjadi nilai tambah
Mempunyai kemampuan analisis dan konseptual yang baik

4. Technical Staff Tangerang

Job Responsibilities:

Specify appropriate products and specifications to be used for specific applications such as vehicles, machinery, and equipment.
Provide front line technical support to customer and sales force including problem solving, troubleshooting, and application advice.
Provide basic failure diagnosis for lubrication related failure (e.g bearing or gear) where lubricants quality or practices are in question.
Deliver appropriate lubricants training to stakeholder in customers, directed to help improving overall efficiency and to internal company/sales team.
Provide HSE, occupational health, safety and product disposal advice to customer, in line with local legislation requirements.
Using technical skills to consulting and demonstrate to potential customer, the usefulness of the product or service and how it may suit the customer better than competing products.
Develop long-term relationships with customer, through managing and interpreting their requirements.
Generating and identifying cross sell opportunities.

Job Qualifications:

Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, or petroleum engineering
Minimum 1 year of experience in mechanical industrial, technical sales, or related field.
Strong written and communication skills with experience in customer presentation.
Able to communicate with all functions and levels within customer.
Troubleshooting skills and attention to detail.
Have driving license/SIM A.
Work location: Curug, Kab. Tangerang

5. Technical Staff Cilegon

Job Responsibilities:

Specify appropriate products and specifications to be used for specific applications such as vehicles, machinery, and equipment.
Provide front line technical support to customer and sales force including problem solving, troubleshooting, and application advice.
Provide basic failure diagnosis for lubrication related failure (e.g bearing or gear) where lubricants quality or practices are in question.
Deliver appropriate lubricants training to stakeholder in customers, directed to help improving overall efficiency and to internal company/sales team.
Provide HSE, occupational health, safety and product disposal advice to customer, in line with local legislation requirements.
Using technical skills to consulting and demonstrate to potential customer, the usefulness of the product or service and how it may suit the customer better than competing products.
Develop long-term relationships with customer, through managing and interpreting their requirements.
Generating and identifying cross sell opportunities.

Job Qualifications:

Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, or petroleum engineering
Minimum 1 year of experience in mechanical industrial, technical sales, or related field.
Strong written and communication skills with experience in customer presentation.
Able to communicate with all functions and levels within customer.
Troubleshooting skills and attention to detail.
Have driving license/SIM A.
Work location: Cilegon.

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