Lowongan Kerja Administrator Tokopedia Desember 2021 - Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja CPNS BUMN SMA D3 S1 Juli 2024
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Lowongan Kerja Administrator Tokopedia Desember 2021


Rekrutmen.NET - Tokopedia adalah perusahaan teknologi Indonesia dengan misi mencapai pemerataan ekonomi secara digital. Sejak didirikan di 2009, Tokopedia telah menjadi pelopor dalam transformasi digital di dalam negeri. Kami memiliki visi untuk membangun sebuah ekosistem dimana siapapun bisa memulai dan menemukan apa pun.


1. Risk Management (Marketplace) Administrator

Job Description:

Responsible for daily analysis of fraud cases, as well as aligning with related stakeholders to identify and solve issues or complaints.
Solve daily reports/complaints from tickets, intools, or any other channels.
Aid the team to propose/create improvement based on findings in regular tasks.
Create regular reports to give insights on anomalies found through issues or complaints.
Create and manage the SOP of daily tasks.
Provide an in depth analysis of transactions in order to evaluate the fraud risk involved.

Job Requirement:

Bachelor’s degree (S1) in all majors (preferably majoring in business administrative, economics, social science or politics, law, communication or min 1-year experience in related fields).
Good teamwork, organizational skills and interpersonal skills.
Work in a timely manner.
Good administrative and analytical skills.
Have high integrity to keep all the confidential information.
Free from conflict of interest with other related parties while doing the job.
Understanding SQL is a plus.

2. Risk Management (Digital, Payment, Fintech) Administrator

Job Description:

Responsible for daily analysis of fraud cases, as well as aligning with related stakeholders to identify and solve issues or complaints.
Solve daily reports/complaints from tickets, intools, or any other channels.
Aid the team to propose/create improvement based on findings in regular tasks.
Create regular reports to give insights on anomalies found through issues or complaints.
Create and manage the SOP of daily tasks.
Provide an in depth analysis of transactions in order to evaluate the fraud risk involved.

Job Requirement:

Bachelor’s degree (S1) in all majors (preferably majoring in business administrative, economics, social science or politics, law, communication or min 1-year experience in related fields).
Good teamwork, organizational skills and interpersonal skills.
Work in a timely manner.
Good administrative and analytical skills.
Have high integrity to keep all the confidential information.
Free from conflict of interest with other related parties while doing the job.
Understanding SQL is a plus


Jika Anda salah satu kriteria yang ada di kualifikasi lowongan ini, Silahkan daftar secara online:

Posisi 1 : DAFTAR
Posisi 2 : DAFTAR

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