Lowongan Kerja PT Nestlé Indonesia Juni 2022 - Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja CPNS BUMN SMA D3 S1 Juli 2024
News Update


Lowongan Kerja PT Nestlé Indonesia Juni 2022

Nestlé merupakan perusahaan makanan dan minuman terbesar di dunia. Kami memiliki lebih dari 2.000 merek, mulai dari ikon global hingga produk lokal favorit, dan kami hadir di 191 negara di seluruh dunia. Kami ingin berkontribusi dalam membentuk dunia yang lebih baik dan lebih sehat. Hal inilah yang mendorong kami untuk memulai usaha sejak lebih dari 150 tahun yang lalu, yaitu ketika pendiri perusahaan kami, Henri Nestlé, menciptakan bubur bayi yang mampu menyelamatkan nyawa seorang anak. Saat ini Nestlé membuka lowongan kerja sbb :

Posisi :


Nestlé Indonesia hires outstanding graduates for Nestlé Management Trainee Program in different business streams. As an NMT, you will follow a comprehensive 24 months program that aims to grow high-performing talents that possess adaptive skills and growth mindset in order to become the future leaders of Nestlé.

Who & What are we looking for?

D4/S1/S2 graduates from any major
Final year university students who will graduate in August 2022 are welcome to apply
A bachelor’s degree with maximum 2 years of full-time working experience
Leadership experiences in campus or student organizations
Growth mindset, resilience and flexibility to adapt with the rapid business changes
Staring business acumen and willingness to learn continuously
Excellent verbal, written and presentation skill in English
Able to work independently and in a team, as well as staying productive in a virtual working environment

What streams can I apply to?

1. Sales

Join the learning adventure in increasing the growth of our brands across the country by completing unique assignments and area rotation.

Work closely with our field sales team, distributors, customers, and category team to drive top line results with the goal to achieve sustainable and profitable sales growth objectives
We welcome graduates from any major to apply for NMT Sales.

2. Marketing

Be a part of the thrill in driving the leading food and beverage brands in the world.

You will be challenged on how to bring our brands to life. With our best brand team, you will learn and experience the excitement and fast paced competitive nature of FMCG.
We welcome graduates from any major to apply for NMT Marketing.

3. HR

Are you keen to be a strategic partner to develop our people and business? This is the right stream for you!

Working in HR means being a trusted partner who is passionate in co-creating the strategic agenda of the customers, proactively addressing business and people needs and challenges. You will learn the end-to-end process of Human Resources in a multinational FMCG company from managing Employee Relations, Integrated Talent Management, Learning and Capability Building, to Total Rewards.
We welcome graduates from any major to apply for NMT Human Resources.

4. Corporate Affairs

Are you excited to be Nestlé’s corporate ambassador to represent the company externally?

Join our Corporate Affairs team and experience what it’s like to manage multinational company networks both internal and external. In this stream, you will learn the art of communications, advocacy, stakeholder and industry relationship management, and managing the Nestlé’s Creating Shared Value (CSV).
We specifically hire Social Science graduates for NMT Corporate Affairs.

5. Finance

Join our Finance team and you will be exposed in liaising with our customers and suppliers and learn from the experts.

Our finance placements give you the chance to really develop your understanding of the role and develop your skills and expertise to reach the maximum business efficiency. You will also get the opportunity to gain hands-on-work experiences across divisions to get the best value for our trade and consumer investment.
We specifically hire Finance Management or Accounting graduates for NMT Finance.

6. Supply Chain

Eager to learn more about how you can contribute to our Supply-Demand management?

You could be a demand planner, ensuring supply meets demand for our valuable customers, you may be running a warehouse shift, or you could be managing our transporters to ensure our supplies meet the demands with an excellent service. With the ability to anticipate and deal with problems, you’ll always go the extra mile to give our customers great service and win the competition.
We welcome graduates from any Engineering* background to apply for NMT Supply Chain.
Formal title in Indonesia: Sarjana Teknik (S.T.)

7. Technical

Get involved in real hands-on-work of improving performance and productivity at our factories.

You’ll find out how our technical team is crucial to delivering quality products to our consumers and ensuring that our business operates at the highest level. You’ll extend your skills in area such as factory process, asset maintenance, safety and compliance, and equipment optimization.  You may also work on projects using some of the most advance technology in the industry.
We welcome graduates from any Engineering* and Food Science background to apply for NMT Technical.
Formal title in Indonesia: Sarjana Teknik (S.T.)

8. IT

Eager to contribute to the development of our tech environment and add more value to the business?

In this stream, you will work closely with our IT experts in the areas of office automation, digital projects, data analytics projects and enterprise resource planning system support with the objective to leverage our IT team in delivering more value-added IT products and services to the receivers and boost the company’s winning-in-the-market through IT Technology.
We specifically hire Information Technology or System Information graduates for NMT IT.

Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi, silahkan mendaftar secara online melalui link:


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