Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Danone Indonesia Tahun 2020 - Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja CPNS BUMN SMA D3 S1 Juli 2024
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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Danone Indonesia Tahun 2020

Rekrutmen.NET - Lowongan Kerja 2020 - Informasi lowongan kerja yang akan kami berikan berikut ini berasal Group Danone yang merupakan perusahaan multinternasional yang memproduksi berbagai jenis makanan dan minuman. Danone mengklaim sebagai pemimpin di pasar produk turunan susu atau air minum dalam kemasan. Pada tahun 2006 Danone membeli perusahaan makanan bayi terbesar kedua di dunia setelah membeli Numero. Di Amerika Serikat, Danone dipasarkan dengan namanya Dannon, yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari Group Danone. saat ini danone memegang beberapa merek terkenal air minum seperti Volvic, Evian, Aqua, dan Badoit. demi mendukung perkembangan perusahaan.
Saat ini Danone Indonesia sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja demi memenuhi kebutuhan pegawainnya, maka dari itu perusahaan mengundang anda putra-putri terbaik indonesia untuk bergabung, berikut ini informasi posisi, syarat dan cara pendaftarannya, semoga bermanfaat.

 Account Receivable Manager - Jakarta
About the Job

In this role, you will do:

  • Overseeing the day-to-day activities of the accounts receivable team
  • Works with any and all personnel to assure timely and accurate invoicing, pricing and collections
  • Perform solvency checks, establish, assess & manage credit limits
  • Managing trade terms claims from customers, Customer payment out & DTO management
  • Delivering GMI & Local AR KPI's target
  • Managing the monthly AR closing process
  • Ensuring timely and accurate submission of reporting & analysis
  • Ensuring proper internal control are in place to safeguard company assets
  • Managing and streamlining collection process
  • Leading monthly Order to Cash Meeting
  • Coordinate and lead key continuous improvement projects across all levels of the organization
  • Continuous people development in the team

About You

To be successful in this role, you would need to be:

  • Persistent and unwavering that we can create a better planet
  • Engage and inspire stakeholders, create movements
  • Working experience within FMCG industry and having experiences in Business and Controller
  • Be a great collaborator

Regulatory Affairs Supervisor - Jakarta
About the Job

In this role you will do:

  • Responsible for coordination & preparation of regulatory submissions and strategies and interact with health authorities to obtain and maintain product approvals
  • support product development teams and other product development initiatives
  • Provide regulatory guidance to departments or development project teams regarding design, development, evaluation, or marketing of products
  • Maintain current knowledge of relevant product regulations and emrging trends, including proposed and final rules including Product /  Food Law & regulatios, Consumer, Advertising law Regulations, Halal Assurance
  • Implement regulatory strategy for product innovations inclusing new ingredients, local studies to support R&I team
  • Engage with regulatory organizations stakeholders, self - regulatory groups and industry stakeholders

About You

To be successfull in this role, you would need to be:

  • Bachelor degree, preferably in Food Technology or Biochemistry or Pharmacy
  • Strong experience in Regulatory with  2-4 years experience in the similar field and industry
  • Ability to maintain networks internally and externally
  • Good communication and negotion skills, Flexible thinking, agility and ability to manage complexity
  • Fluent in English
  • Closing date: April 30, 2020

Pendaftaran dapat anda lakukan melalui laman berikut :Account Receivable | Regulatory Affairs
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